If you’re a Tulsa area resident, you should absolutely take advantage of the resources available in our area to equip you for career success — like the convenient, free, on-demand access you have to LinkedIn Learning courses through your membership in the Tulsa City-County Library system.
Whether you’re positioning yourself for a promotion or searching for a new company or career path, your success depends on making yourself more marketable and proving you’re a fit for that new role. Gaining new, in-demand skills or up-leveling existing ones is a perfect place to start.
What is LinkedIn Learning, and why use it?
LinkedIn Learning connects you to professional, relevant online resources including audio, video, and courses aimed at making it easy for you to grow your skills as you build your career. There are thousands of classes to pick from, taught by recognized industry experts. Once you’ve finished a course successfully, you can transfer the completion certificate directly to your LinkedIn profile.
The courses are free for Tulsa Library users, and they can be accessed anytime, anywhere through the Tulsa City-County Library LinkedIn Learning portal.
To get started, all you need is your Tulsa City-County Library card number and PIN to begin the sign-in process and access the courses. Membership in the library is simple to obtain for local residents, and access to LinkedIn Learning on-demand for no cost is one reason why a library card is worthwhile for job seekers.
(If you don’t have a library card, you can easily apply online here. You can also contact Ask Us at 918-549-7323 or askus@tulsalibrary.org, or visit your local TCCL location to apply or get help if you’ve lost your card or forgotten your PIN.)
Simple, Personalized Content for Your Career Growth
Once you log in to LinkedIn Learning through the Tulsa Library, you’ll be able to personalize your experience by answering a few questions about yourself and your current goals. Choose from several business, creative and tech topics—everything from personal development, career development, finance, and video production to cloud computing, DevOps, data science, user experience design, and more.
Based on what you select, the LinkedIn Learning site will suggest even more related topics so you can hone in on what matters most to you. And you can change those preferences anytime too, so the offerings stay meaningful as you pivot. You’ll also see what’s trending in your chosen topics, so you can stay in-the-know about what professionals like you are studying.
Make use of the My Learning page to track what you want to keep in view. Click the “save” option to stash courses you like for later, and see the courses you’re actively taking in the In Progress section. Add new skills you want to study by using the “Add new skills” search bar.
Other ways to personalize the learning experience is with language—there’s a toggle at the top right of the page with several languages you can pick from. Also helpful is the goal setting feature, which is a handy way to keep yourself accountable. While you’re not required to set a goal, many people find that motivational, and you can start with small learning increments of just 15 minutes.
You’ll see these personalization affecting your LinkedIn home page as well, where suggested topics and information will be more closely aligned with the topics you care most about as you grow your career.
Take Advantage of Gaining In-Demand Skills Today
With so many great courses available, there’s no reason not to start leveraging LinkedIn Learning to build your career. And with Tulsa Library membership, the anytime, anywhere, high-quality professional courses you have at your fingertips make it simple to learn the tech, personal and creative skills you need to pivot your career in today’s marketplace.
Learn more about LinkedIn Learning here to get started.