Meet Andy

We Are Tulsa
minute read

Andy recently joined Volt, a Tulsa-based software company, as Head of Product in October 2021.

A Tulsa native with a passion for working with startups, Andy was a perfect fit for Volt, a software development company putting its roots down in Tulsa. Working with Talent inTulsa, he enjoyed a streamlined application process that connected him with a new, exciting company offering the fresh career challenge he was looking for.

How did you first connect with Talent inTulsa about your new role?

I grew up in the midtown area of Tulsa. My interest in tech and entrepreneurship led me to the startup space, and I began working at various startups as well as starting a few of my own. Eventually, I was ready for a new challenge.

A former coworker was working at inTulsa, so I reached out to her to learn more and see if there were any opportunities I might want to jump on. She knew I had a passion for startups, and she reached out to me a few days later about a new position that had just opened up. That’s how I became introduced to Volt. 

What was it like to work with the team at Talent inTulsa?

My experience with Talent inTulsa was great. I got in touch with Nicole, an inTulsa talent partner. Before this, I had already reached out to the team at Volt directly, but even though they were actively hiring for the role, they were incredibly busy. The process didn’t move as quickly as I hoped for. But once Nicole entered the picture, she was extremely helpful and helped me get my foot in the door. 

Nicole was really personable, and I instantly got the impression that she really cared about the mission of Talent inTulsa—and me as a candidate. I never felt like she was just trying to get the job done. She wanted to make sure this was the right fit for everyone involved. In addition to Volt, Nicole knew I was looking at other organizations, opportunities, and roles—and she did a great job staying on top of all that as well. 

Throughout the whole process, I felt she was on my side. Nicole knew that I had some big decisions to make, and thanks to her hard work, I didn’t feel stressed or worried about which direction I ended up choosing.  

What do you appreciate most about working with Volt?

It’s definitely the environment I was looking for. I was looking to work in the startup phase of a business again, and the startup vibe at Volt is there. But most importantly, the challenge I’ve been looking for is here as well. Volt is trying to find its way, and that’s the kind of environment that gets me the most excited. Looking back, the places where I grew the most are environments just like this. 

What does a typical day look like in this startup environment?

A normal day at work for me has a lot of variety, which I like and seems to be pretty normal for early startup employees. I work closely with all product team members, the engineering team and others across the organization to develop a product vision and strategy. Due to recent insights we've gained, Volt has pivoted towards a new and unique opportunity in the communications as a service industry. The product team is focused on gaining a deep understanding of who our customer is and the problems they have. Knowing this will allow us to continue building solutions that deliver value. This is kind of a never ending story but in the early stages it’s very critical to establish this understanding. All members of the organization work very closely together to share learnings, ideate, and participate in shaping our future direction as we build towards this new and exciting opportunity.

What is the company culture like at Volt?

Like you’d expect at a startup, it’s fast-paced, and things are changing all the time. I get to work with some really smart people who are passionate about what they’re doing and have a desire to build something great. It feels like everyone here is trying their best to make a positive impact. 

The leadership team is amazing. They’ve done a great job of hiring individuals who have experience in areas where they feel the organization needs to grow. They encourage employees to speak up, and they’ll point out, “You’re here for a reason, so you’re guiding us.” They’re very receptive to change, which in the long run will really help Volt grow to be a successful company. 

What would you tell people who are considering moving here?

Tulsa is a place with lots of variety. There’s a lot to do here. If you want live music and great food, there are locations around town for that. If you’re interested in the outdoors, we’ve got bike trails, hiking opportunities, and a lot of countryside. It feels like we are a good test bed for trying new things out, so you always have the latest opportunities here. 

Tulsa is also awesome because you can easily go from an environment where there’s a lot going on to being in an environment that’s very chill and relaxed. You can get the suburban feel, and it’s still close to the busyness of downtown. 

What do you love most about living in Tulsa? 

Tulsa is the kind of place where people still hold the door open for you, where you walk into a store and someone says hello. There’s just a very friendly vibe here, and I think the people here genuinely care about their fellow Tulsans. 

We’re also pushing for change here in terms of equality. I think that it’s being heard, and it’s something people here are passionate about. The citizens of Tulsa are passionate about where they live. They truly love their city and the people who make it great.