Meet Ivanna - Marketing Lead at Kare Mobile

We Are Tulsa
Ivanna Price Candidate from inTulsa
Ivanna Price Candidate from inTulsa
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Ivanna joined comprehensive mobile dental services provider Kare Mobile as Marketing Lead

Ivanna joined comprehensive mobile dental services provider Kare Mobile, Inc., as Marketing Lead.

Born in Ukraine and raised in Tanzania (East Africa), Ivanna first came to Tulsa as a college student before deciding to seek a career that has taken her into entrepreneurship and marketing for Tulsa companies.

How did you land in Tulsa?

I was born in Ukraine and lived in Tanzania. When I graduated from high school, my parents encouraged me to attend Oral Roberts University. I had never even visited the campus, just saw pictures online, but I came. I graduated in 2018 with a teaching degree, but after teaching for a year, I quickly realized it was not something I wanted to do. 

I began my journey of finding out what I could actually do without having to go back to school, and that was tough. I met my now husband, we got married, and I went through the green card process while figuring out what I wanted to do. Eventually, I got a great job at AT&T’s retention center, and was there for a year.

How did you find your way into marketing as a career?

I really love creating content and find it meaningful to help people. I saw the entrepreneurial scene in Tulsa bubbling up, and I recognized a lot of small businesses connected to minority groups and black founders didn't know how to market their businesses. So I studied everything I could about social media marketing—everything I could possibly soak in to help other people. I wanted to be a one-stop shop. That’s how my business, The Social Bar, started. A whole bunch of opportunities opened up for me, and I was an entrepreneur for two years before my next career move.

What was it like working with inTulsa to find your new role?

The economy shifted, and many businesses I served were tightening their budgets, so I looked into getting a full-time position. Applying on LinkedIn was such a difficult process. I’d heard about inTulsa many times, but I didn't know how it worked.

But Princess Austin, one of inTulsa’s Talent Partners knew my business and she knew I could do marketing. She connected me with Kare Mobile, and they were super impressed. I've been here for about three years now, and I really love it.

How was the job search process different working with inTulsa?

With other places, you often don't hear anything back. So, I really appreciated inTulsa’s constant communication and how they checked back in with how I was doing and whether I got the role. The process was very comfortable and informative, and it gave me a sense of security. What also stands out is that inTulsa goes above and beyond. I was able to get a really good job because of inTulsa. I can continue to live here, and I didn't have to relocate. 

What’s a typical day in your role look like?

Working with Kare Mobile has been amazing! I've been able to initiate so many great changes and see growth because of the small chance they took on me. I'm now able to work with large organizations like PNG, Amerigroup, and Johnson and Johnson. 

My job doesn't feel like a job. I love what I do. For me, what that looks like is creating pitches, making sure our copy is right, editing, creating informative flyers, creating websites, making sure things are up-to-date, press releases, PR, and creating content for all the businesses under Kare Mobile. Basically, I’m ensuring we’re on brand and staying within our brand and vision as far as marketing, finding those little details so that we are represented correctly.

What are some of your favorite things to do here?

I'm an outdoors person, and Tulsa has great parks you can visit, explore, and go hiking. As the summer approaches, there are more outdoor activities, which I really like. We also have a really nice restaurant scene. Valkyrie is my spot to go out and get a nice, craft drink. And then you can go to a great restaurant, like PRHYME, Fleming’s, or Queenie’s in Utica Square for brunch.

What do you enjoy most about living in Tulsa?

The city is not too big. It's also very calm, a place where you can have a great time and it feels safe. People are so friendly here. You can stop a stranger and ask for directions and you’re not going to have a problem. 

I’m thinking about raising a family in the long run, and there are great schools here and great housing. You can buy houses and property for half the price that you can buy them anywhere else. But it's more so the community and the people that I like. I really like the network and the resources that are available now for people who want to come here and get connected. 

What would you tell people who are thinking about moving here?

Get connected into the right places as soon as you can. As soon as you get connected and hear about the opportunities here, you’ll be immediately encouraged. Everyone here encourages communities, and there are always different community groups available to help you.

There is so much great opportunity happening here right now. Being a founder of a business myself and being connected in such a supportive, entrepreneurial, networking environment as well as the creator economy that's rising up right now is really phenomenal.