Write Your Resume Right

Career Advice
August 24, 2023
minute read

Creating and writing a resume can seem like a daunting task even for the most seasoned writer. Still, it's an essential element to have in your candidate toolbox.

Now that you're ready to update or write your resume for the first time follow these tips, and you'll shine like a rock star and possibly even land your dream job.

Shine a Light on Search

You've probably heard of search optimization for websites, but do you know how that comes into play for a resume? It's a two-fold approach to include keywords in your resume. 1. An applicant tracking system (ATS) may scan for specific terms, and you want to be in consideration, not auto rejected. 2. By using the keywords in the job description in your resume, you mirror what they are looking for. Cool tool alert! Tag Crowd will analyze your job description and show you the most keywords used.

No One Cares About Your Objective

Years ago, it was common practice to put an objective on your resume, but it doesn't fly these days. It's not about you. It's about them. What's in it for an employer. It would help if you were laser-focused on the job you are applying for; otherwise, you may not make the cut.

Metrics Matter

Whenever possible, use data to showcase your results. Hiring managers love the quantifiable experience. For someone in sales, this would be a natural element to include. Even if you haven't had a role tied to metrics, you've likely produced outcomes that have made a difference. Here's an example: Decreased the advertising budget by 30% by bringing creative in-house. See, you didn't sell anything, but you did produce a result, so toot your own horn.

Show Recency and Relevancy

You need to go back in time but no further than 10-15years at the most. Only include what is relevant to the job you are applying for and customize it for each role. If it's not relevant to the job at hand, leave it off.

Format it to Fit

Most recruiters spend 10-30 seconds looking at a resume, so you want it to be as easy to read as possible. We recommend using a 10–12-pointfont and align left so it's easy to skim. Be strategic in using bold, caps, and italics, and use consistency, so you look polished. When it comes to fonts, they all have their place but don't get too carried away, or your resume might get deep-sixed. Simple subheadings make it easy for your reader. Stick with the standard ones, Experience, Education, and Skills.

Link It

Include relevant URLs like LinkedIn, your personal website, and your blog. Make sure whatever you link to is professional in nature and not personal. You want to present yourself in the best light and not knock yourself out of the competition before you're in the game. Make sure you check to ensure your links are live and going to the right sites before you apply. Broken links might show you ignore details.

Save Space and Don't Add "References Available Upon Request"

References won't help you get your foot in the door unless they have star power but even then, leave them off. A hiring manager will ask for them if they want to know. You also may come off looking presumptuous.

Choose and Check Your Words Wisely

What you say and how you say it can make a difference between ending up in the trash pile or on the hiring manager's desk. Use action words. For gosh sakes, do not say “responsible for” in every single bullet point. Reference this list of 195 action verbs for inspiration. Spellcheck your entire document and ask someone else to edit it. Two or three eyes on it are better than one. Grammar and spelling shouldn't count against you, but they most likely will, so be diligent. Cool tool alert! Grammarly for grammar and spelling.

To wrap it up, don't forget about these top tips to rock your resume.

·  Use keywords to your advantage

·  Don't be objective

·  Showcase your success by using the numbers

·  Be recent and relevant

·  Format for function

·  Link it

·  Be in check with your spelling and grammar

In interviewing you only get one shot at making a first impression, the same is true with your resume. Make it a good one by writing your resume right. And, if all else fails, hire a expert to write it for you.