LinkedIn Profile

Why your LinkedIn Profile is essential

Having a LinkedIn profile builds trust and credibility. There are more than 830 million members onLinkedIn, so to stand out to hiring managers and recruiters, you need a complete profile. Having a complete profile and engaging with your connections can improve the visibility of your profile.
Another benefit of being active on LinkedIn is staying up-to-date with your industry best practices and news. Having contacts in your industry offers your feed more understanding of your interests and needs as you continue your job search.
What to Include
- Photo: Select a professional photo or a headshot.
- Location: List the city where you’re based or the closest metropolitan area.
- Catchy Headline: Use a keyword relative to the role you’re seeking.
- Summary: This could be your statement of value from your resume or your elevator pitch. Ask your Talent Partner for help on this area.
- Experience, Education, Licenses & Certifications: List anything relevant to your search.
- Skills: Pick at least 5 relevant skills based on your expertise.
- Recommendations/Endorsements: Reach out to your colleagues to request these.
Showcasing Experience
For each current and past job, highlight your accomplishments, describe your major wins or projects, and communicate the value you bring to a team.
Your LinkedIn work experience section doesn’t need to be as detailed as your resume; instead, it should highlight your main achievements. Less is more (think story, not a novel)! When possible, focus on quantitative achievements.